Evaluation of the Informtational Product

For my brochure I had to analyse the situation regarding street art and the legalities around graffitti artists and their rights as well as the communities rights.

Evaluation of an existing print information product
Guidelines/ fact sheet regarding legal implications of ‘Street Art’/graffiti and strict rules regulated by the ACT government.

·         Purpose and audience
The purpose of the information fact sheet published by the ACT government is to guide the public in general and street artists to the rules and regulations regarding their art and where they are allowed and intended to design their work. It is to establish the legal and illegal manners in regards to street art and how to effectively manage the street art phenomenon whilst protecting the general public so that degradation to areas and homes is not inflicted.
The audience is that of the general public but is more importantly targeted towards the people involved in street art. The fact sheet is filled with sub headings which is explaining to street artists how to appropriately display their art and the areas in which they are allowed to do so in case of discrepancies with the general public or in the matter of the street art being illegally done.
In accordance with the last paragraph the audience being focused towards the artists goes further as to describing what art is permissible as work deemed “Racist, sexist, otherwise prejudice” is strictly prohibited as stated by the ACT government.
The government is basing this fact sheet on artists so that they know what areas are free from “Police, City Rangers and Graffiti cleaning contractors” so that art isn’t removed or reported if it is socially tasteful and is in an allowable area. In saying this is also informs the authorities as to where art is allowable at when and how to persecute those involved when the guidelines aren’t followed.

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